Who am I?
I am just your average sim racer. I am an Army veteran who saw sim racing as a way to overcome PTSD, and now it has become something I’ve started to obsess over. My name will remain anonymous for now because this will likely make many paid services angry. I’m a full-time software engineer with a Ph.D. in computer science. If/when my identity is revealed, I hope the community I help create will help propel others into the wonderful world of sim racing.
Ways to Help Me?
The best way to help me is just by reading the content, applying it, and providing feedback. I do not have a way to accept donations, as this would provide an avenue of losing anonymity. I do have a Patron set up if you want to get even more tutorials and personalized content. You can check out my Patreon here. Another way you can help is by checking out my affiliates.
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Want to learn some programming? I’m also a writer for Elite Code Academy.