There are many reasons you may wish to contact us. The main reason is likely that you would like personal feedback. You can use the details below to send replays and MoTec data. In return, you will receive either a well-documented handout of notes or a personalized video that you can download for future use.
To get feedback, please contact us via email at [email protected] and include a link to a replay, MoTec data, or general questions in the body of the email. You may use the same email to send site feedback. Please note. I cannot promise I will have personalized feedback in a reasonable amount of time. This will depend on the number of requests I have for the month. Generally, it should take 3-4 days to get a video back to you. Patreon subscribers at the pro level will be prioritized. You can learn more by clicking the Patreon image below.
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